Why Choose an LLC?
If you’re looking to get started in Qatar and plan to stay for an extended period of time or you wish to sell your products or services to both private and government-related organizations, then a Limited Liability Company (LLC) type could be the best fit for you.
There are many key advantages to setting up an LLC. Unlike a Foreign Branch Office or Trade Representative Office, an LLC can carry out and fulfill an unlimited number of contracts simultaneously.
Top 3 Advantages of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) formation in Qatar
No limitation on the number of products or services the company can sell
Your company will be recognized as a local company, often permitting the entity to take part in an increased number of government and private tenders
The company will not be subject to withholding tax

As a trusted organization in Qatar, we provide end-to-end services on LLC formation in Qatar which includes the following:
Guidance on Foreign Shareholder Requirements
What documents are required to set up a limited liability company? What are the benefits of individual or corporate shareholding? Who will be signing for company formation on behalf of the foreign shareholder at Ministry of Commerce and Industry (“MOCI”) and Ministry of Justice (“MOJ”) in Qatar? Is it an online or in-person process? What are the expected timelines? Fusion will advise on such questions and more.
Transparent Relationship Between Shareholders: Articles of Association, Shareholders and Services Agreement
Fusion Middle East, as the 51% local corporate shareholder, provides straightforward agreements to partnered companies, agreed upon by both parties and in accordance with local laws and regulations. That is, safety and security of your investments, intellectual property, brand and business know-how.
Commercial Registration – Congrats, LLC is incorporated!
Commercial Registration (“CR”) is the first company license issued, it reflects information form Articles of Association (“AOA”) and states the new company details. It holds reference to commercial name and activities, share capital, shareholders/partners, appointed managers or authorised signatories etc. For changing any of these details, CR is the license that requires amendment first!
Registartion on Dhareeba Online Tax Portal (GTA - General Tax Authority) – Avoid Tax Penalty on Time
Please be reminded that it is required to appoint local auditors and register the company with online tax system – Dhareeba. The deadline for avoiding 20,000 QAR penalty is 60 days from issue date of CR or start of trading activities. Fusion may support partnered companies with such registration, until the local auditors are appointed.
Lease Agreement and Trade License – Now Start Trading
Local offices or other commercial premises must be leased in order to obtain a Trade license (“TL”) against it. Any leased property has to be in line with Civil Defense and Municipality requirements. Fusion will review the LLC formation requirements before you sign the lease and assist with office inspection. If you may require any additional activity approval for TL, rest assured in Fusion expert team guidance!
Establishment Card – Entry to Immigration and Import/Export
Establishment Card (“EC”) is essential license to complete company formation, as it allows for starting of immigration processes, import of any goods under trading activities, registration for many online government services and opening of corporate bank account. Local partner will be the initial authorised siagntory until the country manager may be added, with QID under the company.
Ministry of Labour, Visa Quota and GM’s QID – Ready to Manage the Business
A limited liability company (LLC) has to be registered with the Ministry of Labour (“MOL”) in order to apply for first visa quota, including also Work Visa for the GM. Country Manager is to arrive to Qatar on Work Visa, undergo residency process (medical, fingerprints, E-Contract) and obtain Resident Permit/QID. Now GM is ready to sign for all company matters, including immigration, and really take over the local operations.
Corporate Banking &Wages Protection System (WPS) – Ready to Invoice & Pay Salaries
With all corporate licenses in hand (CR, TL, EC) and GM QID, Fusion will provide you with full support for opening the corporate bank account in one of local banks in Qatar. It is obligatory to also register the company with WPS, that is linked with company immigration records, ensuring all employees receive their monthly salary according to individual E-Contracts.
Company Stamp & Letterhead – Administration Requirements & Arabic Language
Fusion Middle East will advise you on required content of company stamp and letterhead, that must include official LLC commercial name in Arabic. In obtaining such administration requirements, we’ll ensure it is issued on time, including the logo and brand guidelines, while following local regulations.